Your Final Project
For your Final Project, you will need to write, format, and submit 3 individual papers. These papers will be slightly shorter, (350-450 words each) but will still need to be clearly organized and bring the audience along on a journey. You must choose a product or service that you have not previously covered, and it might benefit you to pick one in an industry you’re personally interested in. If you do, you’ll be able to present yourself as knowledgeable should interesting work ever appear. Using the 6 resources you identified last week, please write the following papers: Paper 1: Identify the features and benefits of the product or service. Sound familiar? This should be an absolutely straightforward exercise by now. Paper 2: Identify the target market for this product or service. You must explain why with source materials. Paper 3: Identify potential directions for the future of this product or service. Think about the demands of the audience now, and how they will change over the next five years. Remember to clearly introduce and conclude each paper. Each should stand alone and be readable by someone without context. Paper directions: These papers must fall between 350 and 450 words, and begin with your name, the word count, and the title of your piece. Please double-space your submission. Name: Word Count: Title: All papers must include citations whenever you are taking details from an article, and should appear like this: (Author’s Last Name, Publication Year) Your paper must end with a Resources section, using the APA format to cite the sources for your writing. Last name, First name. (Publication Date) Publication. Article Title. Retrieved from