X Page Exercise
This assignment asks you to do a NEW X-page exercise and then to rewrite that exercise in different points of view (POV). Please follow these instructions carefully. This assignment has three parts: 1. First, do the X page exercise using any noun of your choice (if you can’t come up with one on your own, try: hill, bed, or milk). Write up the X Page story in the first person just as you did for Ex. 7. In this version, “I” should be telling the story. “I get up and pour the bunny’s pellets into his dish. I start to sneeze uncontrollably and I wonder why my husband can’t ever seem to clean the box. The bunny wrinkles his nose at me. 2. Then, rewrite that same X-page story in the third person, omniscient. In this version, the narrator knows all and sees all. There will be no “I,” instead, the narrator might refer to a “he,” “she,” or “they.” “It is a cold morning and the heat is not yet on in the apartments that line the still-dark street. On the sixth floor, a young woman gets up slowly and goes out to the kitchen where a bunny sits in a cage beneath the window. The woman pours the bunny’s pellets into his dish and at once begins to sneeze uncontrollably. She wishes her husband would clean the stupid bunny cage–he knows the fur makes her sneeze. The bunny looks up her, wrinkling his own nose, wondering why she always makes that sound when she feeds him.” Notice that in this example, the narrative starts a little farther back with a wider view. Then the narrative goes in close and can dip into everyone’s mind–it knows what the woman is thinking AND it knows what the rabbit is thinking. 3. Rewrite the story again in the second person. In this version, “you” tells the story: “You get up and pour the bunny’s pellets into his dish. You start to sneeze uncontrollably. You wonder why your husband can’t ever seem to clean the bunny cage.” This means you will be handing in a total of three versions of the same story. There should be variations in the three caused by the change in POV, but you are not changing the story’s plot or setting.