Writers Choice
First, you must watch a speech. You must take notes documenting your observations of the speaker. You are to evaluate the speaker along the following criteria. 1.) What are the speaker’s goals? Are they evident in what He/She says? 2.) In your opinion (based on the text and what we are learning in Communication 1), how effective do YOU think the speaker was in achieving those goals? 3.) Did the speaker keep the audience in mind as He/She delivered the speech? Did they maintain eye contact? In short, was this a good speech or a poor one? Be specific and make sure both your notes and your paper provide concrete examples such as quotes. Two pages of notes. Second, you must write a five page (typed), double spaced paper where you go through the speech you have watched in detail format. The key word here is Analysis! Analyze the speech be explaining what the speaker did. Paper should be done in college format with title. You must supply your notes to your finished paper which you can email to me. Listed below you will find links to recorded speeches that I have vetted. These speeches below have been selected because they have numerous shots of the audience so that you can discuss the respective speaker’s effect on the audience. Here are the speeches you can choose from: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-5vD5YVLv8 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDmSZX_zVuQ&t=2s 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXBswFfh6AY&t=2s 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a9PgHI_9uA 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSH5EY-W5oM What should your finished paper look like? Something like this: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1034&context=scholars_day