World History
possible paper topics: Sumerian Civilization, Old Kingdom Egypt, New Kingdom Egypt, the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Mycenaeans, the Minoans, Athenian Democracy, the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, the Constitution of the Roman Republic, the Punic Wars, the Roman Army, Augustus Caesar, Roman Religion, Roman Family Life, Roman Persecution of Christianity, the Conversion of Constantine, Fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Merovingian Franks, Charlemagne, the Early Islamic Invasions, the Vikings, the Rise of Monasticism, Pope Gregory the Great, the First Crusade, Economic Revolution of the Middle Ages.INSTRUCTIONS complete a final research paper on the chosen topic or 1250-1750 words. The paper should be typed, double spaced, , 1 margins all around, using the 12pt Times New Roman Font. This paper must include a total of 5 separate sources including at least 1 primary source. The paper should be supported by citations and a bibliography page. The appropriate method of citation (Turabian style footnotes). Turning in a paper with citations in another format (MLA or APA), will result in the reduction of your grade to a 75, and all subsequent grading will begin from that point.