Work Ethics Discussion
Why are the work ethic traits important for becoming successful after graduation? Be sure to comment on each of the traits listed below: Appearance: Displays appropriate dress, grooming, and hygiene. Attendance: Attends class; arrives/leaves on time; notifies instructor in advance of planned absences. Attitude: Demonstrates a positive outlook; demonstrates mannerly behavior; follows chain of command. Character: Displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-responsibility. Communication: Displays appropriate nonverbal, verbal, and written skills. Cooperation: Handles criticism, conflicts, and complaints appropriately; works well with others. Organizational Skills: Prioritizes and manages time and resources effectively; demonstrates flexibility in handling change; follows directions and procedures for the work environment. Productivity: Completes tasks assigned efficiently, effectively, and timely; demonstrates problem-solving capabilities. Respect: Tolerates other points of view; acknowledges and appreciates rights of others; has regard for diversity. Teamwork: Works collaboratively with others toward a common goal in a respectful and cooperative manner; participates appropriately as a team member.