[ORDER SOLUTION] Woodrow Wilson Address to Jefferson Club Analysis
Please use the file I provided on Wilson’s Speech and the Declaration of Independence or any other PRIMARY SOURCE to answer the following: “Woodrow Wilson, then Governor of New Jersey, said the following in a speech to the Jefferson Club of Los Angeles in May 1911. What is Wilson arguing for here? Why, to understand the Declaration, should we not repeat the preface? How might Thomas Jefferson respond to Wilsons comments?” For Thomas Jefferson’s response, please use The Declaration of Independence or another PRIMARY source. Please keep in mind (show/support) the following requirements while writing this essay: 1. Content: knowledge of the source (or sources), who produced it, and where, when, and why it was produced; thorough knowledge of the historical and political facts relevant to the source or sources. 2. Analysis: identification of arguments, assumptions and relevant facts; thorough assessment of the validity of inferences and deductions; thorough comparison or contrast of arguments in two or more sources. 3. Interpretation: understanding the meaning of the source in its historical and political context; appreciation of the complexity or subtlety of the source; thorough understanding of the effect or importance of the source in history.