Women In History
For sources use ONLY THE READINGS/attachments/files I PROVIDE In 1976, historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich reconstructed the lives of a group of Puritan women in colonial New England, women who minister Cotton Mather referred to as the hidden ones. These women remained hidden from history because they lived in ways that strictly conformed to Puritan ideals of chastity, piety, and obedience. In light of what she found, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich concluded that well behaved women seldom make history. Draw upon the course readings from at least SEVEN WEEKS throughout the semester, (rather than just from the beginning, middle, or end) and lecture material to write an essay that describes how the women we have discussed throughout the semester misbehaved and defied gendered expectations through their words and/or actions from the colonial era to the present day. How did/have their respective communities, and American society more broadly, understood (or misunderstood) and responded to their behavior? How have laws, social customs, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, and religion facilitated and/or shaped these womens lives, their defiant acts, and responses to their conduct? Note: Make sure to address ALL segments of the multipart question in your essay. Your essay should also be written with as much care and attention to organization, grammar, and argument as possible given the time constraints of the exam.