Whole Foods Public Relations Paper
Section 11: Other Important Audiences Other than customers, what publics are most important to your client, Whole Foods, prospect? Why? What about employees? Influencers? Stockholders? Special interest groups, who might be allies or adversaries? Community groups? The industry? Do they seem to have good relationships with the media who follow the company? How is your prospective client, Whole Foods, dealing with the other target audiences (publics) of importance? Who are they? What strategies and tactics are being employed to reach these publics? Provide examples and commentary on how communication with non-customers either integrates or does not with communication to customers. Section 12: Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Affairs: Dealing with Issues and Audiences that Affect Your Study Subjects Ability to Operate What, if any, Corporate Social Responsibility or Reputation Management campaigns have your prospective client, Whole Foods, employed? Provide examples of the tactics used. Can you find any evidence that these efforts have been successful? Does Whole Foods publish a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Annual Report? If you feel your prospects CSR efforts are lacking, feel free to make suggestions/recommendations. Do you see evidence or need for outreach to the government or regulators? Does your client prospect, Whole Foods, have a Political Action Committee? Is Whole Foods active in trade associations that lobby on behalf of the industry? What are the government, regulator or public affairs issues affecting the industry and has Whole Foods taken a visible position? If so, with what success?