Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on vaccinations. The situation can be real or fictional. Summarize the dilemma. Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma. Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.
What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer Next, apply the following: Aristotles Golden Mean to the dilemma (highlight in blue) Utilitarianism to the dilemma (highlight in red) Natural Law ethics to the dilemma (highlight in green) Which of those three theories works best with your dilemma ethically speaking? Why that one? Why do the other two not work or not work as well? Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?