Utopian Society
WEEK 7 ESSAY OPTION: Prepare a multi-paragraph essay (including an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion) with a minimum of 500 words. Create an essay that addresses information below and includes your reaction to the ideas presented. See further instructions below. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, double-space the text of your essay, and use 1 inch margins on all sides. Follow English grammar standards and rules, using use college-level language. TOPIC OPTIONS: Create a Utopian Society REALISM is a MUST Must be set in the 1840s Set somewhere within the U.S. or its territories Research historical Utopian Societies listed in Chapter 13 of your online textbook. These need to be listed on your Works Cited Page as sources referenced. Also, research the different forms of government to determine what form your Utopia will have they are listed below. You MUST cite the sources you used for your research WITHIN the text of your notes. Provide Works Cited Page of all sources used, following an accepted style, i.e. MLA, APA, or Chicago. Minimum of 3 credible, scholarly sources is required. DO Not use .com, .net. or .orgs Do Not use Wikipedia You can use .edu and .gov I strongly encourage you to use EbscoHost. Heres the link: EbscoHost In preparation for the creation of your Utopian Society: Consider and Incorporate the following during your research and preparation. You must incorporate at least THREE of these philosophies / teachings that are appropriate for your Utopia Society: 2nd Great Awakening Lyceum movement Utopian Societies covered in textbook Transcendentalism Abolitionism Temperance Movement Education reform Womens rights Seneca Falls Convention In creating your Utopian Society, consider the following questions and explain your reasoning: What is the name of your Society? Why? Why did you remove yourself from society? How did you obtain the land that your now reside on and from whom? What is the purpose / mission of your society? What form of government do you have? For example, is your government: Democracy Monarchy Theocracy Social Democracy Republic How do you decide who is allowed into your society? Is there religion? What language(s) is spoken? Do you accept all races? Do you accept both genders? Do you have equality? Do you have a currency or do you use a barter system? Is marriage allowed? If yes, what kind and how are the couples determined? Are children allowed? If yes, how many per couple? Who is in charge and who determines that? Do all members of your society have uniformity in: Housing? Clothing? What education level is allowed? Who pays for the education? What jobs are there and how is that determined? What happens if someone breaks a rule? What type of punishment is used? OR The Mexican-American War and Manifest Destiny What do you see in the painting, American Progress by John Gast, provided in the Manifest Destiny PowerPoint? The floating white woman in this painting is heading West. What do you think she represents? Who and what are still in darkness in the painting? Who and what are bringing the light of civilization? What does Manifest Destiny mean in the teaching of our history? How did our belief in Manifest Destiny justify our expansion westward? What lands did the U.S. receive as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848? How did the Mexican-American War add to the developing tensions that led to the Civil War? Why did it spark the question of whether we (the U.S.) will be slave or free? How did the war affect American politics? Many hoped the Compromise of 1850 would diffuse tensions over the newly acquired territories. What was the Compromise of 1850? Did it diffuse tensions or further exacerbate the political strain? Explain. Could the Wilmot Proviso have prevented the Civil War? How and why was it an event that led us to war? How did the California Gold Rush affect Native Americans? Immigrants? The U.S. economy? How did it change America? How did it impact the issue of slavery? How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to conflict, violence, and chaos, resulting in Bleeding Kansas? How is this connected to the beating of Senator Charles Sumner? Why is this beating a microcosm of the developing national crisis? OR 3) Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) Provide the background of the case. Who was Dred Scott? What is the timeline of events that led him to sue his master? What were the courts rulings? Explain how the 5th Amendment, concerning right to property, was used in this case. How and why did the ruling affect the issue of slavery? Why is it considered a land-mark decision? As a result of this case, what Act did the Supreme Court rule unconstitutional? Upon this ruling, could slavery be banned in any part of the country? What affect did this have on the countrys instability over the slavery issue? Were the Supreme Court Justices anti-slavery or pro-slavery? Do some research. Why did the ruling galvanize some to become activists / abolitionists? What affect did the ruling of this case have on Abraham Lincoln? What happened to Dred Scott? How and why did the outcome of this case lead to the Civil War? What overturned the courts decision? Does your history textbook tell the full story? Could the Civil War have been avoided? Why or Why Not? Formatting Instructions Include specific references (in-text citations) to the ALL of the sources provided and the information from the web link in your essay. DO NOT copy and paste ANY of your essay from ANY print or Internet source. This is academic plagiarism and will result in an automatic zero for the Exam. Minimum of 3 credible, scholarly sources. Please USE your textbook as a source. DO Not use .com, .net. or .orgs Do Not use Wikipedia Do not use an encyclopedia as one of your major sources. These are compilations, not a scholarly source. You can use .edu and .gov I strongly encourage you to use EbscoHost. Heres the link: EbscoHost You must CITE all sources used within the text of your essay (using in-text citations) and provide a Works Cited Page of those sources; you may use whichever style you are most familiar: APA, MLA, Chicago. If you need assistance with this, please let me know. You may also use our Communications Lab online services at https://www.occc.edu/writingcenter/echo.html Save your essay as a PDF and attach your file. GRADING RUBRIC 100 Pts possible The Grading Rubric helps you fully understand what is expected of you. Expert Accomplished Capable Inadequate Score Mechanics 20 points The response meets the necessary length requirement and has minimal or no spelling/grammatical errors. References cited correctly within and outside text and of an academic quality. The response meets the necessary length requirement or only 20 or fewer words short and has minimal spelling/grammatical errors. Citations are within text, but not following and/or not highly credible. The response is 21-75 words short of the minimum length requirement and has noticeable spelling/grammatical errors that take away somewhat from the readability of the response. Incomplete citations and/or citations not credible. The response fell more than 75 words below the minimum length requirement and had many spelling/grammatical errors that affect the readability. No citations. Addresses the Topic with Understanding 40 points All parts of the question are addressed clearly and completely. Writer clearly understands content. All parts of the question are addressed, a more direct response would be helpful, it is readable, and writer seems to understand content. All parts of the question are not clearly addressed, and the response is difficult to read. Writer may not completely understand content. The question is not addressed directly, making understanding the response impossible. Writer does not understand content. Organization/Logic/ Original Thought 40 points The response is well written and logical and exhibits creative, original and/or insightful thought. Flows in a logical way, while some improvement could be made, it is readable and somewhat original in thought. The response does not flow in a logical way, making it confusing to read. Reader must read twice to understand. The response is disjointed, unclear, and shows a lack of written communication skills. Here is the link to the textbook for research: https://openstax.org/details/books/us-history?Book%20details Total Score