U.S. foreign Policies Toward the Third World
Write one critique (i.e., a SINGLE PAPER IN A SINGLE FILE that is 2-pages maximum in total length, double-spaced with 12 font size in black or dark blue typescript color) and submit online in a SINGLE FILE. Your SINGLE paper (only one file) should respond to the 2 guide questions posted with the assignment. Since your entire paper is restricted to 2 double-space pages maximum, it is probably best to use 1 page to respond to each guide question. To reiterate, submit only a SINGLE FILE with your responses to the 2 guide questions. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SUBMIT SEPARATE FILES FOR YOUR RESPONSES TO THE 2 GUIDE QUESTIONS! * While a certain number of citations are not required, should you need to use citations, present your citations in MLA format as footnotes (i.e., at the bottom of the page where the information to which the citation refers is located–not endnotes which appear at the end of the paper). Respond to the following 2 questions: 1. Are there any patterns in U.S. foreign policies toward the Third World? 2. What are the main or primary U.S. foreign policies toward Third World countries? What exactly are U.S. foreign policies toward Third World countries, in fact, trying to achieve? Please be specific and avoid responding in unsubstantiated generalities. *Note: Third World countries are basically the poorer, so-called underdeveloped countries around the world–i.e., mainly countries in Asia, Africa, Central/South America, and the Caribbean.