[ORDER SOLUTION] Tourism Impacts in Communities around the World
Within this option, you have the opportunity to choose one of the three following topics among tourism industrys impact in a country (USA, Turkey, Jamaica etc.), a series of countries or places (countries in the Mediterranean region, Caribbean or South Eastern region of the USA including the SC) and write a minimum of eight (8) pages professional paper for your final term project. The idea is to draw parallels, similarities or differences of associated impacts in more than one place. Recognize that your final project will be worth 25 % of the total grade for the course! The projects are to be completed individually (no group work required in this course). Choose either one or all of the following three topics. 1. Comparative Analysis of Tourisms Environmental Impactsecological impacts (on balance of life and natural resources). You could even compare different communities and countries in terms of impacts. 2. Comparative Analysis of Sociological and/or cultural impact of tourism on communities. 3. Comparative Analysis of Tourisms economic feasibility and economic impacts on communities. To correctly do this project, you will have to read and synthesize literature on tourisms social, cultural or environmental impacts using established social science journals. Note: if you wish you can compare all impacts at the same time, but it is not a must. If it is easier for you to talk about only one group of impacts, do so. However, you will notice when researchers talk about impacts they tend to mix them. We expect at least 10 to 12 refereed tourism papers in your references from social science tourism journals like the Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Tourism Analysis, and Journal of Sustainable Tourism. If for some reason you cannot find tourism impact studies done/published related to your site/country, still evaluate the site you have chosen in relation to the readings you have done. For example, if you cannot find a social impact study done about Germany, you may choose to read/synthesize social impact studies done elsewhere in Austria/Switzerland but draw parallels, comparisons and conclusions regarding your choice of the country. Internet papers from mills are not accepted. All papers must come from Professional Scientific Journals listed above.