Top 100 Company XXX
Please select a company from the Top 100 list that can be found in within the link below. Refresh after you open it. Cover Page, 5-8 content pages, and Reference page(s). Each page should be Numbered. Font = 12 font. Double-spaced. 1″ inch margins on all sides. Use section headers. Grammar and spelling matter. Your Opinion. Recommendations: One or two small Exhibits. SWOT Financial Ratios. Please address the following: 1. Brief history. Founders, Locations. 2. Current # of employees, Products/Industries. 3. Key personnel, and how did they get there? 4. Current Financials: A) Market Cap B) Revenues, along with a few important ratios. C) Stock Price: In your opinion, is it relatively High/Low/Appropriate? D) Any Covid-19 Impacts, Major Changes 5. A SWOT analysis. 6. Include an exhibit or two. 7. Should/could they merge or acquire in the next 3 years? 8. Who should/could they merge with or acquire? 9. Given the current financial uncertainty, what should/could they do to plan successfully going forward. Please submit via Turnitin Direct Assignment.