Three Generations
The purpose of this assignment is to explore generational experiences to learn about some family dynamics in your own family. You are to interview two family members from different generations than yours about their experiences growing up in their families. The interviewed people should be different ages, representing different generations. YOU will then represent one of the three generations, writing about your own experiences. Provide the appropriate identifying information (age, sex, etc.). Ask yourself and them questions about things that weave their family story together. Some suggested questions are: What appeared to be the center of family life? Who was in charge of the family? What roles did parents have? Who did the disciplining of the children? What were the family patterns regarding age of marriage, size of the family, divorce, education of the family members, work, etc. What were some fads and fashions? How has technology changed over the generations? There may be specific things you may want to inquire about (ie, how did you meet your spouse, what did you do for fun, etc.); you are not limited to this list of questions. Be creative and see what other information you can find that you did not know before. Focus your paper on how things have changed or how they have stayed the same across the generations. Compare and contrast the three generations through the questions you have asked. Write about what you learned about your family from these interviews.