Thomas Jefferson Character Analysis
( ): Go to the web site and click on Archives, then click on Interview Transcripts. There are a number of interesting interviews here, but please make your selection from two of the following: Gore Vidal, Jan Lewis, Joe Ellis, Julian Bond, and John Hope Franklin. If you choose the Vidal interview, you can stop with the question “What is he?” If you read the Ellis interview, you can stop with the “1776/Adams” section since both of those are lengthy. Take very brief notes while you’re reading and keep the following questions in mind: What were some of Jefferson’s best characteristics? His worst? His most unusual? Be sure to discuss topics from throughout each interviewnot just the beginning of each. Indicate which two interviews you read. Also watch this brief YouTube video which gives an up-to-date account of the history on Jefferson’s plantation, Monticello, and the not-so-savory side of Jefferson and slavery: The Duality of Thomas Jefferson ( ) Your discussion/analysis must, as always, show that you read/watched all of the required material above.