Thesis and Outline
Thesis and outline (25 pts.)-Limit your typed outline to two double spaced pages. At the top of your page, identify and state your thesis. It should be one sentence, so word it carefully. It is an assertion you will attempt to prove or explain in your paper. Follow the thesis with a formal outline in sentence form, punctuation included. You must have a minimum of 3-5 sources cited in the final draft After Newton: Guns In America”. PBS, 2013. This is my primary source Please submit both a complete thesis for your paper and an outline of your paper that reflects only the arguments that support your thesis (introduction and conclusion are not reflected) Each line of the outline must be written in a one complete sentence with punctuation. Make sure that each category has at least a pair: if there is a A there must be a B, if there is a 1 there must be a 2, if there is a a there must be a b. Be sure to avoid questions and quotes in your outline. The outline entries should reflect the key points of your essays supporting arguments that reinforce your thesis. on a separate page list which sources will be used for the final paper use my bibliography that i will send on the file for help link