The Role of Public Speaking in Politics
– please answer all parts of each question and each question should be approximately 50 words each QUESTIONS: 1. Can political speeches create significant political change? Can they serve to move people to action? To reconsider their political views or affiliations? 2. In the era of modern communications technologies, does formal public address even have a place in politics? Are technologies such as Twitter a more crude, but perhaps more effective way for politicians to communicate with their constituents? 3. Speeches are rarely remembered in their entirety, but in todays day and age crafting a single, catchy line seems to be particularly important. Is a singular, memorable line that will gain traction as a soundbite what speechwriters should be aiming for? If not, what should politicians and their speechwriters be focused on? 4. Can political speeches help to construct or counter a narrative? For example, can a crisply delivered speech help Biden to counter Republican accusations that he isnt mentally sharp enough to be President? Likewise, if Trump delivers a more somber, serious speech and appears more presidential, does this help to answer concerns about his ability to handle the job? Or are we simply too partisan, too divided and too polarized for any of this to matter?