The Psychological Effects Prison has on Male Inmates
Write an Abstract & Introduction for a Research Proposal on: “The psychological effects prison has on male inmates.” Purpose of the Abstract: To enable the reader to quickly determine if the project is something they want to read. The Institutional Review Board will look at your abstract to determine if you are within responsible guidelines and what ethical elements they should review with the entire document. Funders will read the abstract to determine if your project is within the scope of the projects the group wishes to fund — if so, they will read more of your proposal. Length of the Abstract: One hundred to one hundred fifty (100-150)carefully prescribed and well composed words. What to Consider When Writing the Abstract: The Abstract offers the reader a breakdown understanding of the research proposal. The Abstract is a separate document from the research proposal; therefore, it is a separately positioned and numbered page (see How To – Writing a Proposal Abstract and Introduction.pdfPreview the document) How to Write the Abstract: The Abstract should be tightly written in concise fashion. There is no title on the abstract page. Example of an Abstract: (see How To – Writing a Proposal Abstract and Introduction.pdfPreview the document) Formatting of the Abstract: The Header: (no header) The Font: Font must be legible. Select a clear/simple font: Aerial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Tahoma. Font size for text must be 12-point. Bottom line: Once you have selected a font stick with it for the entire document. The Margins: Portrait orientation with 1 inch margin on all sides. Only page numbers may encroach on bottom margins. Justification: Text must be justified against the left margin, and each paragraph should be indented. Spacing: Double-space all text. The following exceptions are single-spaced: Block quotations (40 words or more in length). Pagination: Important Note: The Abstract begins on page 1. The Introduction begins on a separate page 1 because the two form separate document. Page numbers are located in the bottom footer at center of the pages. A single sequence of consecutive Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) is required to paginate the text. Lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.) are used to paginate the preliminary pages. Title pages are not counted or numbered. Color: Text must be in black ink. Black-and-white and color illustrations/figures are acceptable. Document Submission: Prepare using MS Word or PDF. Name the document using your last name and submission element; e.g., Jones-Abstract. Attach to Canvas assignment page. Introduction Purpose of the Introduction: The Introduction begins the body of the research proposal. To introduce the social science proposal direction in depth. To bring the reader to an understanding so they may comprehend the remainder of the proposal. Length of the Introduction: Two to five (2-5) carefully thought out and well composed pages. What to Consider When Writing the Introduction: Strong topic sentences are required with qualified descriptive paragraphs associated. How to Write the Introduction: The Introduction is an extension view of the abstract. Brings all readers, regardless of their previous knowledge, to a level understanding of the topic and direction. Explains what the purpose of the research proposal and why it is significant. Defines any key terms for your study. This is best accomplished when the terms are woven into the fabric of the introduction. Identifies the elements of your research proposal: descriptive, explanatory and/or exploratory in technique; quantitative and/or qualitative; nomothetic or idiographic; identification of independent and dependent variables; and introduction (mention) of specific methods or tools employed if know at time of writing. In closing provides a transition into the Literature Review. INTRODUCTION The Font: Font must be legible. Select a clear/simple font: Aerial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Tahoma. Font size for text must be 12-point. Bottom line: Once you have selected a font stick with it for the entire document. The Margins: Portrait orientation with 1 inch margin on all sides. Only page numbers may encroach on bottom margins. Justification: Text must be justified against the left margin, and each paragraph should be indented. Spacing: Double-space all text. The following exceptions are single-spaced: Block quotations (40 words or more in length). Pagination: Important Note: The Abstract begins on page 1. The Introduction begins on a separate page 1 because the two form separate document. Page numbers are located in the bottom footer at center of the pages. A single sequence of consecutive Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) is required to paginate the text. Lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.) are used to paginate the preliminary pages. Title pages are not counted or numbered. Color: Text must be in black ink. Black-and-white and color illustrations/figures are acceptable.