For this project, you should identify an organization listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ that you wish to analyze. You may analyze the entire organization or a division of that organization. I. Introduction (1 pg.) – Description of company including mission, vision, and key objectives – Major products and target markets served – Financial performance over the past 1-2 years, including profitability and stock price trends as well as other key performance metrics – Number of employees and general structure of company – Any other pertinent information, events, or trends impacting the company II. Environmental Analysis (4 pgs.) – Macro-Environmental Trends (use PESTEL as main tool to analyze) – Industry Environment (use the Five Forces Framework as main analytical tool) – Competitor Analysis (Use Strategic Group Analysis and discuss both your firms as well as key competitors strengths and weaknesses via development of a Strategy Canvas) – Internal Analysis (identify key strengths and weaknesses of company (Use Porters Value Chain Framework as a main analytical tool) – SWOT Analysis (Summarize key strengths and weaknesses internal to the company as well as key external environmental opportunities and threats) The SWOT should be presented in a 2×2 graph with 3-4 items in each category. III. Identification and brief description of the 3-4 most important issues for the company to address. (1 pg.) VI. Your proposed strategies to address each issue identified in Part III. Provide strategies and rationale for each. (4-5 pgs.) -Please be as specific as possible with your recommendations – Provide information regarding implementation plans as well VI. Potential Limitation to Recommendations (1 pg.) VII. Conclusion (1/2 pg.) VIII. References IX. Appendices (optional)