The legacy of Thurgood Marshall
American Government The legacy of Thurgood Marshall Make certain that you have an introduction which contains a thesis statement. Do not plagiarize. Don’t forget to use spell-check. Be certain to give credit to the sources of your information using in-text citations as well as a bibliography page. GO TO THE UNIVERSITY WRITING CENTER FOR HELP. YOU’LL GET EXTRA CREDIT FOR DOING SO! YOUR PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: – An informative and interesting TITLE – An INTRODUCTION to your subject and question Identify your topic; claim what you believe about your topic; and state 3 reasons why you believe your claim is true. -A THESIS STATEMENT A thesis is just a fancy way of making a statement of what you believe and why you believe it. You MUST clearly state your thesis at the end of the introduction paragraph. It needs to be there. If you dont have a thesis, you dont have a quality paper. Your goal is to prove your thesis statement. – CITATIONS OF SOURCES integrated throughout the text using APA format – A CONCLUSION section reviewing what you discussed throughout the paper – BIBLIOGRAPHY- in APA format You must have a minimum of 7 sources, using a variety of resources. Resources may mean books and articles, but is not limited to them. Resources may also mean films, interviews, and other things I may not have thought of. You must have at least: 2 books (scholarly or trade (popular)) 3 peer reviewed articles (at least one being a scientific article) If you have trouble with the bibliography or citations refer to your writing guide/style book (APA form), or check online for help. Please consider utilizing the University Writing Center located in J.D. Boyd Library. – COVER SHEET -7-8 PAGES IN LENGTH (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET AND BIBLIOGRAPHY)