The Importance of Torts in Law
Must be no more and no less 3000-5000. Not less than 8-pages. Must be original scholarly work. All sources of work must be annotated, all sources must be quoted. 10%-20% from other sources with 80%-90% original wording from students. Siting cases and history.One-inch margins on all sides, 12-point font and standard business-like font like Arial., Times Roman, or something similar. Paragraphs may be single-spaced, but skip a line between each paragraph. I prefer to double-space the entire paper and use indention for each paragraph. Provide opinions of legal experts and the contrasting opinions of those in the US. All Materials can be extracted from LexisNexis, Case Studies, Case books, statutory supplements, or law library ( Harvard, Yale, Oxford) No Google, Yahoo. or unsupported sites.