The Function of Memory
Hi, this is a short answer for our discussion board and must be at least 15 sentences, and one online reference must be sourced. No plagiarism is accepted our professors have software to check for plagiarism and will give a failing grade for the course. All quotes must be referenced. We are not allowed to cut and paste full sentences, if you do you must reference. I usually don’t use large words, I speak about myself being a nurse in a nursing home for over 15 years because I work on a dementia/behavior unit. Please see professor instructions below… YOU MUST USE AT LEAST ONE ONLINE REFERENCE & INCLUDE LINK, NO BLOGS ARE ACCEPTED MUST BE FROM .ORG, .GOV, or .EDU!!! 8B What is the function of memory? How does this apply to information processing and why we forget memories? What do you believe is your greatest memory strength? Do you believe that we can all be trained to have photographic memories? Answer your question thoroughly and cite one outside source (your textbook, on-line resources, journals, etc) to obtain credit for this discussion assignment, remember to answer at least two of your classmates replies and share your thinking in a constructive and positive manner.