The End of the Civil War
Write a response to one (1) of the following essay topics. Make sure that you answer one of the prompts provided. Do not ignore the focus of the question as you write on the topic you pick. Make sure to use evidence from the book assigned for this class and materials presented in class to support your argument. When you are done, this will look like a traditional essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. I recommend that you approach this essay using the techniques you learned in the first two assignments. Start by finding evidence. You will need at least six (6) quotes for this essay to support an interpretation do not decide on your response before you do the research. Then go on to write your topic sentences, followed by an introduction. Once that is done you fill out each paragraph to help the reader follow your logic and thinking about each step in the essay. Each paragraph should be structured as follows: Topic sentence; set up the quotation; quotation; and explanation of how the quotation supports your argument. Make sure there is only one piece of evidence for each paragraph. TOPICS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 – Franklin Roosevelt instituted the New Deal to implement innovative economic ideas or relief, recovery and reform to end the Great Depression. First, you need to define how FDRs approach was intended to end the Great Depression, and then go on to discuss at least at least three New Deal programs to show how they embodied the principles of relief, recovery and reform. 2 – For many people, the United States has always gone to war to help other countries; we fight wars for moral causes. Others believe the United States enters conflicts out of economic self-interest. Write an essay that argues for one of these two perspectives. You must find evidence from the Spanish American War, World War II and the Cold War to support your interpretation. 2 – African Americans have struggled to find equal treatment and opportunity ever since the end of the Civil War. Write an essay that discusses the two approaches assimilation and black nationalism from Reconstruction through the 1920s. Example of a paragraph for assignment 3 PARAGRAPH IS IN RESPONSE TO THE PROMPT: The American Revolution was caused by a growing conflict between British policies and colonial views of the basic independence of colonial governments. PARAGRAPH Topic sentence, set up to quote, quote, and explanation of the quote. The new economically-motivated laws passed by Parliament The Townshend Acts served to further anger colonists because of their assaults on local political control. Aimed at undermining colonial legislatures, this Act created an independent revenue source to compensate the colonial governors that were appointed by the Kind. The Townshend Acts produced controversy and protest in the American colonies. For a second time, many colonists resented what they perceived as an effort to tax them without representation and thus to deprive them of their liberty. The fact that the revenue the Townshend Acts raised would pay royal governors only made the situation worse, because it took control away from colonial legislatures that otherwise had the power to set and withhold a royal governors salary. The ongoing British assault on colonial self-determination, a power which the colonists argued was based on their right to be part of Parliaments legislative process. Parliament, however, was simply ignoring the colonists rights as members of the British Empire by passing this new piece of repressing taxation.