The Effects of Bullying on Delinquency
You must define and describe the issue in detail and comment on your perspective on the issue and how the issue (problem) can be solved. The term paper should be at least 10 pages long and should include the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography. Your paper must be typewritten, using 2.0m line spacing, and must be properly referenced using the APA 7 referencing style. Ensure that your work conforms to the proper use of grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Your paper should read like a very well written journal article. The following are suggested outlines for your term paper: Introduction (Problem statement. What? Why? How?) Literature Review (Review of the extant literature on the subject, Why? How? Find a Hole; Look for Debates). Research Design (Methods applied to obtain materials for your paper, How? Research Procedures, kind of data.) Research Findings evidence of the importance Discussion of Research Findings (analysis of issue/problem) Conclusions – Implications of Study/Research Findings for policy/solving of a real-life problem; Importance; Contributions References