The Different Parts of a Neuron
Please use the attached reading to answer the following questions. No other outside sources. Chapter 3 Section 3.1 – #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 What are the different parts of a neuron? And what do they do? What are the three types of neurons, based on function, and what roles do they play? Which type is most common in the brain? What is a neurotransmitter, and how does it pass information from one neuron to another? What two processes halt the effect of neurotransmitter molecules once they’ve been released? Name three neurotransmitters and give an example of a function each is known to play. Section 3.2 – #2, 3 What changes in the membrane potential make a neuron more likely to produce an action potential? What changes in its membrane potential make a neuron less likely to produce an action potential? How does the neuronal production of action potential’s resemble the flushing of the toilet? In what ways do the two processes differ? Section 3.3 – #1, 2, 3 Describe the subdivisions of the CNS and the PNS. Name the major parts of the brain, including the four cortical lobes and some of the structures beneath them. Describe a function that is associated with each of the cortical lobes.