The Black Cat
Choose ONE of the following topics. Write a well-developed essay of at least 800 words. Use paraphrases, quotations, and lines from the texts to show me why you think what you think: 1.) This paper topic requires outside reading. Research Literary Romanticism and Gothic Literature and write an essay detailing how either “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Black Cat,” or “The Raven” contains elements of both. Talk about how Poe’s writing brings out these elements. 2.) Discuss either Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Government” or the selections from Walden and talk about how it’s a work of resistance. Discuss what Thoreau is resisting and why, and evaluate whether or not you agree or disagree with his approach. 3.) This paper topic requires outside reading. Research Literary Romanticism and Gothic Literature and write an essay detailing how either Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” or “The Minister’s Black Veil” contains elements of both. Talk about how Hawthorne’s writing brings out these elements.