The Adventures of Adolescence
Assignment Overview Your weekly reading took you through the adventures of adolescence. My guess is that some of you enjoyed the memory filled journey back, others did not, while the majority of you were somewhere in the middle. Either way I am interested in knowing your thoughts about this stage of life. For the purpose of this paper, identify a teen (any teen) and share how you see their journey unfolding. In your response, please include their transition through puberty, how they are navigating Piagets formal operational stage, how academic achievement is pursued, ways in which they are working through Ericksons industry versus role confusion stage, how Kohlbergs moral development and reasoning is influenced, as well as their familial and peer relationships. Guidelines This paper is due week 9 of this semester on Sunday at 11:59 PM. This paper should be between 3 to 4 pages in length not including the title or reference page. This paper should be written in a narrative format and bullet point should not be used. The outline of your paper should match the information below Section 1: Introduction A paragraph discussing the overall focus of the paper. Section 2: Puberty A paragraph or two detailing the relationship between puberty and adolescence. Section 3: Formal Operational Stage A paragraph or two detailing how adolescents move into the formal operational stage of cognitive processing. Section 4: Identity versus Role Confusion A paragraph or two addressing how adolescents negotiate these psychosocial dichotomous realities. Section 5: Moral Development A paragraph or two explaining the adolescent moral development process. Section 6: Family and Peers A paragraph or 2 discussing the influence of family and peers on adolescents. Section 7: Conclusion This paper should contain no less than 2 peer reviewed references other than the text (Wikipedia is not a peer reviewed reference, but it is a good starting point). This paper should adhere to APA guidelines Punctuations and grammar counts. Font Style should be Times New Roman and font size should be the standard 12. Page Margin should be the standard 1 inch. Do not double space between paragraphs. As a reminder, when you quote any source please be sure to cite that source and give credit in the body of the paper and in the reference page. A good rule of thumb is no more than one quote per page Paraphrasing is encouraged but remember to cite your sources. Please note, a Turnitin similarity score of over 30% will result in an automatic plagiarism review.