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There will be three entries—one from each week (weeks 11, 12 and14). Each entry should take at least two readings including optional readings/video (the film is required to be included in week 12) and explore one idea or topic or issue that strikes you as important. As a point of departure, you may want to show how your reaction to the readings/film/lecture/discussion fits with (or doesn’t) previously or currently-hold beliefs, you may want to state how the issues (including class lecture) raised are relevant to your own experiences. To be successful, you must go beyond the point of departure; be both critical and analytical. What is the deeper significance of ideas or issues? You will have to be critical both about the readings/film/video and about your point of view. Please note Font 12, APA format, Word count. The Word document assignment should be saved/uploaded under your full name and course number.   * ONLY USE COURSE READING SOURCES, NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ALLOWED *

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