Questions: · Which customers order and reorder the wet food, and

Questions: · Which customers order and reorder the wet food, and when are they likely to try it? · Are there certain characteristics of the pets, customers or their orders that impact how likely they are to purchase the wet food, and keep ordering it? · Based on this data, what do you suggest we focus on to get more customers taking and continuing to enjoy our wet food? Including data cleaning, visualization, 3 different methods (linear regression and other related models)

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Questions: · Which customers order and reorder the wet food, and

Questions: · Which customers order and reorder the wet food, and when are they likely to try it? · Are there certain characteristics of the pets, customers or their orders that impact how likely they are to purchase the wet food, and keep ordering it? · Based on this data, what do you suggest we focus on to get more customers taking and continuing to enjoy our wet food? Including data cleaning, visualization, 3 different methods (linear regression and other related models)

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