Health Data Quality

During the past 6 weeks, you have been introduced to multiple knowledge areas, including health data quality, access, retention, data sets, and electronic health records. In addition to assessing some of the knowledge about EHRs and EHR standards, this week we will review some important concepts, which you will also see in the final exam. You may start the review by selecting one of the questions below. Please try to read the answers prior to yours and try to address a different question in order to make the midterm exam review more complete and meaningful. Some more new questions will be added throughout the week. What is the purpose and value of the EHR standards? Illustrate by briefly describing one of them, such as HL7, ASTM E1384-07, LOINC, or RxNorm. What is the importance of clinical decision support systems and what integration or interfaces need to be in place for it to work effectively? What are some policies, processes, or rules that need to change as an organization transitions from the paper or hybrid environment to a fully electronic health record? What are the data sets? Select one of the existing health data sets and discuss its value in improving population health or healthcare delivery in the US. Explain electronic document management systems along with brief explanations of their components. For more information on Health Data Quality read this:

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