Health Care Management System Discussion

Health Care Management System Discussion Health Care Management System Discussion I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. The files attached will explain your role in this assignment. Tutor must present a word document with 700 words. additional_references.doc forum_6_discussion_instructions.docx ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS BUSI 511 MODULE/WEEK 6 ADDITIONAL READING AARP studies adult foster care for the elderly. Public Health Rep. 1996;111(4):295. Alecxih L. 2001. The impact of sociodemographic change on the future of long-term care. Generations. 2001;25(1):7–11. Anderson GF. Physician, public, and policymaker perspectives on chronic conditions. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163(4):437–442. Balsa A, et al. Does managed health care reduce health care disparities between minorities and whites? J Health Econ. 2007;26(1):101–121. Brown AF, et al. 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Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers; 1996:125–141. Duggan M, Hayford T. Has the Shift to Managed Care Reduced Medicaid Expenditures? Evidence from State and Local-Level Mandates. Working Paper No. 17236. National Bureau of Economic Research; 2011. Eikel CV. Fewer patient visits under capitation offset by improved quality of care: Study brings evidence to debate over physician payment methods. Findings Brief: Health Care Financing & Organization. 2002;5(3):1–2. Frank RG, Garfield RL. Managed behavioral health care carve-outs: Past performance and future prospects. Ann Rev Public Health. 2007;28(1):303–320. BUS 511 Liberty University Health Care Management System Discussion Gabel J. Ten ways HMOs have changed during the 1990s. Health Affairs. 1997;16(3):134–145. Goldfarb B. Corporate health care mergers. Med World News. 1993;34(2):26–34. Graham CL, et al. 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Page 4 of 4 Topic: Health Care Systems – Part II 1. An introductory paragraph on the topic 2. Explain the growth of managed care that began in the 1980s. 3. As a result, how has health care delivery evolved? 4. What role do hospitals have in advancing continuous quality improvement (CQI) health outcomes and modernizing U.S. healthcare delivery models? 5. Conclusive paragraph: Based on the literature, what does the future hold? Note: Make sure you use 20 citations and references from the references from the file attached to this text and chapters 9 and 10 of the book from Shi and Singh (Essentials of U.S. Health Care Delivery)—making the total 21 sources. 7. The word count should be 700 … Purchase answer to see full attachment Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service . 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