Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper
Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper
Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper Theory in Action Semester project: Notebook and Final paper DUE: April 15, 2019. Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper Select a chronic health problem from one of the following major categories: heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, back problems- a disease widely considered to be associated with health behavior (diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, drug use, stress behaviors for example).Select a health condition that a family member or friend is currently living with and is trying to reduce the negative impact of the disease (or you believe they should be for their well- being).Alternatively, select a condition that someone in your family or a friend is at high risk for development of the disease due to their family health tree or current health behaviors.The reason for selecting a disease that someone you know has or wants to prevent is two-fold.First it motivates you to want to understand each health behavior theory that may inform the needed health behavior change.Second, you will be expected to communicate with the individual throughout the semester regarding their health behavior.You will be expected to discuss their health in terms of constructs that you are learning that might inform their current health behavior or health behavior that they may want to change. You will finish the worksheets and attach them into your notebook that you are required to keep throughout the semester on how the individuals health experience relates to each health behavior theory covered during the semester. You will be asked to share your thoughts in class discussions (without revealing confidential information) and the notebook will be turned in on April 15, 2019 along with your final paper. You will give a brief (no more than 10-15 minute) presentation to the class based on your final paper.There will be a sign-up for presentations to be held 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6. Theory in Action Paper (100 points) DUE April 15 2019. Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper Due: Monday April 15, 2019 (no later than 4:30 p.m.) Late papers will receive the following grades 24 hours late (1 letter grade lower); 25-48 hours late (2 letter grades lower).Papers will not be accepted if > 48 hours late. Students must use APA format for citation and referencing of all sources.REFERENCES (at least 5 professional, peer-reviewed journals in APA format) The Final paper is a concise executive summary (double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman Font) from the literature regarding how health behavior theory is being applied to health education or health interventions for the health concern you selected.Reference a minimum of 5 peer reviewed articles in APA format.In addition provide a summary (no more than one page) of what you learned about theories of health behavior and health behavior change from your communications with the individual throughout the semester.Therefore the final paper will be approximately 3 pages in total and a maximum of four pages (plus reference page).DUE April 15, 2019 Outline for Paper: Submission Instructions: Please save your completed paper as Last name_Paper before uploading to the Assignments section of BlackBoard. Please also turn in printed copy in class. Health Behavior: Theory in Action Assignment Paper Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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