Head and Neck Anatomy Multiple Choice Question

Head and Neck Anatomy Multiple Choice Question Head and Neck Anatomy Multiple Choice Question This week, you will use lectures, readings, diagrams, from DH 306, to create TWO (2) Exam Study/Review Questions. Each question is worth 3 points , based on following the instructions listed below. 1 point: The question 1 point: The correct answer (highlighted) 1 point: The correct feedback/rationale ** Please follow the instructions below carefully – instructions are NOT identical to the last assignment of this kind **Santa Monica College Head and Neck Anatomy Multiple Choice Question Each question should contain the following: ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS 1. Questions should be made up of an actual question, a statement, a statement/statement, or a statement/reason format, pertaining to Head and Neck Anatomy as it has been taught in this course 2. You may use Multiple Choice, or Fill in the blank, as answer options (No True/False will be accepted). Head and Neck Anatomy Multiple Choice Question Examples: Question (statement – multiple choice) : All of the following are dog breeds EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION? a. Doberman b. Labrador c. Schnauzer d. Elephant Question (fill in the blank): Upon arrival at WLAC, there are two ways to get the MSB clinic. One may enter on the first floor of the MSA building, and use the __________, taking them to the second floor, then walk across the breezeway to the MSB building, or one may simply take the stairs. ** When creating this type of question, the question must be more than one line , and must contain information depicting the circumstances or scenario ** Question (statement/statement): DH 306 meets for Lecture at 9:30am on Wednesdays. DH 306 has a lab portion on Monday mornings. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false Question (statement/reason): Infection control is an imperative process and action in the field of dental of dental hygiene, because patient safety is our number one concern a. The statement is true, and the reason is true b. The statement is true, but the reason is false c. The statement is false, but the reason is true d. The statement is false, and the reason is false 3. Each question must have the correct answer clearly highlighted (using the “highlight” tool – any color will be accepted) 4. Each question must be followed by feedback/rationale This is a rationale for your answer; the reason ( with elaboration ) as to why it is or is not correct. This must be a clear reason , not just a page number or simple statement. You must explain why 5. All feedback must be accompanied by a textbook page, or lecture title and slide number, as a reference for your response 6. Questions must be well thought out and contain substance 7. No True/False questions will be accepted Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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