Gym Culture

1. Ethnic culture“The Hispanic Culture”An unspoken rule in the Hispanic culture is that you put your family first, you offer food to guests and you make a fresh new pot of beans every week to keep in the fridge throughout the week!2. Social group“Nursing Culture”An unspoken rule in the nursing culture is that you cannot take care of patients without taking care of yourself first.3. Recreational group“Gym culture”An unspoken rule in the gym culture is that you “just do it”. There may be days where you don’t want to be active, but you keep pushing and never give up.Who socialized you into each culture you listed?My mother is Hispanic; therefore, I have practiced this culture my entire life.I would say that my aunt socialized me into this culture. She got me interested in becoming a nurse.A good friend of mine socialized me into this cultureWhat culture/s have you been a part of, and are not now? (Name at least one, and more if you can.)A social group I would like to someday be a part of is a reading group. I never

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