Growth and Development

Chapter 28, Growth and Development of the School-Age Child1. Gina has come into the primary care center with her mother Kris for an 11-year-old wellness examination. As the nurse prepares Gina for her examination, Kris asks to speak to the nurse outside the examination room. Kris shares with the nurse her concerns about recent changes she has noticed in Gina. She explains that Gina’s body is beginning to change and she has made a number of comments about her body image. Kris is concerned about Gina’s self-esteem and emotional development. (Learning Objectives 1, 2, and 3)2. What are some of the prepubescent changes school-age children experience that the nurse can share with Kris?3.What are some of the issues regarding body image that the nurse can teach Kris about?4. What can the nurse teach Kris regarding self-esteem in school-age children to address her concerns?

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