[ORDER SOLUTION] Synthesis Discussion
-SOURCES MUST BE IN CORRECT APA FORMAT AND NO PLAGIARISM -SOURCES MUST BE JOURNAL PAPERS AND ARTICLES DIRECTIONS: Synthesis is a skill that takes practice and the lectures discuss this process. On the discussion board, using a minimum of two articles that are supporting the PICOT question, submit one paragraph synthesizing the research into clear, concise statements without separately reviewing each of the studies in the paragraphbut by paraphrasing and synthesizing the work that was done. PICOT: In elderly patients, either in nursing homes or with caretakers (P), does the use of telemedicine (I) compared to no use of telemedicine or traveling to health care appointments (C) reduce the incidence of adverse events such as disorientation, falls, disruption of daily schedules and routines (O) over a period of six months (T)? USE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO UNDERSTAND SYNTHESIS: Synthesis of findings To synthesize is to combine two or more elements to form a new whole. In the literature review, the elements are the findings of the literature you gather and read; the new whole is the conclusion you draw from those findings. Rigorous methods of quantitative assessment are necessary to establish interventions that are both effective and cost-effective. Usually a single study will not fully address these issues and it is desirable to synthesize evidence from multiple sources. At this point in the process you should aim for synthesis of the material. Synthesizing means comparing different material and highlighting similarities, differences, and connections. When a writer synthesizes successfully, he or she presents new ideas based on interpretations of other evidence or arguments. Critical reading and critical thinking are key components of successful synthesizing