Summaries of Psychology Journal Articles
B. Summaries of Psychology Journal Articles Students can earn Research Points by writing 2-3 page (600 word) summaries of psychology journal articles. Each summary is worth 4 Research Points. These summaries must be written entirely in the students own words. (See plagiarism in the Academic Misconduct section below). Journal articles to summarize can be found by following these instructions: 1. Go to the NDSU library homepage. ( ) 2. Click on the Databases tab. (continued ) 3. Click on Click on here to find articles and other resources about your topic. 4. Select: EBSCO 5. Choose the database: PsycARTICLES or PsycINFO 6. Type the name of any psychological topic in the search box and click on search 7. Select the PDF full text link of any paper that interests you. Digital copies of summaries must be submitted before the deadline of: 10am December 11. Summaries should include: Name of the journal used. Title of the article read and names of the authors. The theoretical background to the study. The research methods used in the study The main findings of the researchers, and the implications of these findings.