Substance Abuse
1: Should cognitive performance-enhancing drugs (CNS stimulants) be used by “healthy” people? Why or why not? What could be the benefits/downsides/risks? Certainly, feel free to use those as a starting point, but be sure to bring something of your own to the discussion, substantiating your position. 2: The discussion question for your consideration this week focuses on the legalization and decriminalization of drugs, including marijuana, in our society. Based on the readings from this week, and your reflections on your own beliefs, what is your perspective on the question of legalization of drugs, including marijuana? 3: what argument can you make for either the prohibition of or the continued legalization of caffeine and nicotine? What are some of the implications of either move? Should a pregnant woman who uses them, for example, be guilty of fetal abuse as she might be in the case of alcohol or illicit drug use? 4: This week, your readings focus on performance-enhancing drugs in sports and depressants and inhalants. After considering these topics, what would be the single most important point about them that you would want to discuss with: a pre-teen, a high school-aged boy, and a college-aged woman? How would you have those conversations? Do you think we, as a society, should do a better job of education on these issues, or is the amount of education we do adequate? 5: Your discussion topic focuses on a trend in advertising weve all noticed direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs. Should prescription drugs be advertised to the general public? Why or why not? What are the risks and concerns? What are the benefits?