Substance Abuse Counseling Current Trends
The critique should communicate your understanding of the articles main points and offer an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the critique should comment on the articles usefulness to the field. Indicate at least three strengths and 3 weaknesses of this article. This might include the characteristics and number of participants, how the variables were/were not operationalized, the design of the study (i.e., internal and external validity, and reliability and validity of measures/procedures), the strength or limitation of the measures used for the study. Guidelines Article critiques typically adhere to the following structure: 1. Introduction: provides an overview of the articles purpose and main argument and offers the writers thesis regarding the articles strengths and weaknesses. 2. Summary paragraph: briefly reviews the articles key points. 3. Assessment paragraphs: analyze the articles strengths and weaknesses. a. In discussing strengths, the writer can point to the articles inclusion of pertinent historical context, persuasive interpretations, thorough explication of evidence, or conclusions not covered in the article. b. In critiquing weaknesses, the writer can examine the articles ineffective use of evidence, inaccuracy, failure to explore ideas within the scope of the main argument or contradict the articles thesis. Conclusion: presents commentary on the articles overall usefulness. The writer should address the extent to which the article helps to understand/explain the construct