Styles of Active Listening
There are 4 different styles of listening (action, time, people, and content oriented listening). Take the self-assessment attached. After taking the assessment, write 1-2 cohesive paragraphs, double spaced. It should be about ½-3/4 of a page. You do not need a formal introduction or conclusion, but you need a clear topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. Address the following: 1. Using your self-assessment results, identify listening style or styles you use the most. Explain briefly whether or not you thought the assessment was accurate. 2. Then provide at least one specific example to illustrate a time when you used one of the listening styles you identified above. 3. Explain why you think you might have used that listening style in that situation. 4. You should use your example to explain how your listening style helped to create either productive or non-productive communication. Explain why you think it was an effective or ineffective listening style in that situation.