Studying Humanities
FIRST, write an Initial Post of at least 300 words (about 2 paragraphs, one per question), in which you address BOTH of the following question. You must address BOTH questions to successfully complete the assignment. Question 1: After reading through chapter one and mod 1 readings, in your own words, describe what the Humanities are and argue why they are important. In your discussion, identify and describe at least three distinct subject areas (disciplines) in the humanities that help illustrate your understanding and support your argument. **Note, “beauty” is not a subject area. For example, in the sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics would be examples of subject areas. Pay attention to the key terms there, identify AND describe. Question 2: Choose ONE of the following articles and associated question to respond to. Choose the one most relevant to your goals or interests. After reading “Studying Humanities Teaches You How to Get a Job” discuss how you think studying the humanities might help you get a job in the future. Reference the article’s examples in your discussion. After reading “Building a Bridge Between Engineering and the Humanities” summarize why the author thinks a bridge between the humanities and engineering is important and whether or not you agree with the article’s premise. Justify your response with discussion. Based on your reading of “How the Humanities Can Train Entrepreneurs” what skills are employers looking for that the humanities can provide future students who want to work in business or become entrepreneurs? As a reminder, any outside sources used should be scholarly in nature and included at the bottom your post along with a citation for the textbook in a properly formatted MLA style “Works Cited” section at the end of your post. Any material you integrate into your post word-for-word must be placed in quotation marks and have an in-text parenthetical citation and a works cited entry. Any material you paraphrase or summarize must be cited with an in-text parenthetical citation and a works cited entry. Links file:///C:/Users/TEMP/AppData/Local/Temp/