Study of Race, Nation, and Culture
Graded Response Paper 3: Minimum 250 words, maximum 300 words. Submit a written response to the following: Required Readings Haque, E. (2010). Homegrown, Muslim and other: Tolerances, secularism and the limits of multiculturalism. Social identities: Journal for the study of race, nation and culture, 16(1): 79101. Brown, T., & Nevins, S. (Producers). Obaid-Chinoy, S. (Director). (2015). A girl in the river: The price of forgiveness. USA: HBO Documentary Films (Vimeo Video). Supplemental References Read the 2010 Star article I killed my daughter with my hands”, by Bob Mitchell and Noor Javed. Questions to answer: 1. Do you notice any differences and/or similarities in the way the two cases of violence were presented by Chinoy and Haque? 2. Describe these and discuss why there might be differences or similarities in their approaches to two events.