Structural Summary of Plato’s Phaedrus
Please write a structural summary of Plato’s Phaedrus, from the beginning through Socrates’ second speech. Please avoid any other Platonian/ general philosophy that is not mentioned in this part of the book, as it has to be very text-specific. Here are specific guidelines set by the instructor: DO NOT quote. This is a re-presentation, not a photocopy. No quotes. DO NOT use examples. When students come to the end of their understanding, they say for example. But if you have adequately said what the example is an example of, you dont need the example; and if you havent, the example is not an example of anything. No examples. DO NOT use footnotes. This paper is not a scholarly, no less a pseudo-scholarly, paper. I know which book you are talking about. No footnotes. DO NOT use and, also, In addition, etc. This is the toughie. A structural re-presentation deals with relations; we want to exclude from it such connections, or rather pseudo-connections, as fail to make relations, that merely put things in sequence or in proximity. To that end no ands, no alsos, no in additions, etc. Whenever you are tempted to use one of these, push to a relation; it will always be there. Some DOs: DO define all terms. To the text, please; ask yourself what, for example, Aristotle means by rhetoric. You wont find it in the dictionary, or by looking into your heart. DO make relations explicit. Use words like therefore, thus, and phrases like as a consequence. But use them honestly; make sure that you really have the authors relation.