This is a written response to our psychology instructor and class mates. Then answer each question in the prompt with a full paragraph. 1. What are examples of situations that give you trouble? Given an example of one you can handle easily. 2. What are your attitudes about expressing yourself? For example, in what situations to you have a “right” to be assertive? Why or why not? 3. What obstacles are in the way of your assertions? For example, are you frightened of the consequences, or do other people in your life make being assertive especially difficult? Who? 4. Are you behavior skills (eye contact, facial expression, body posture) intact? Can you be expressive when you need to? 5. Give an example of a time you wished you had been more assertive than you were. 6. Give an example of a time you wished you had been less assertive. 7. Question to the next student: