Status of Women
Answer one (1) of the following questions in an essay with a clear thesis, a cogent argument, and a judicious use of evidence from primary and secondary sources (60 minutes, 60%) A. Compare and contrast the culturally approved status of women in the following: Hammurabis Code (Sources 2-2) The Laws of Manu (Sources 3-5) Ban Zhous Lessons for Women (Sources 7-2) Aristotles depictions of women in his political thought (Greece Assignments) Are there commonalities between them all? Do you see any continuities between related cultures? What are the major differences? B. Compare and contrast notions of salvation and enlightenment in the following texts: Osiris: The Prototype of Every Soul that Hopes to Transcend Death (chapter two Assignments) The Dead Pharaoh Ascends to Heaven (chapter two Assignments) The Analects of Confucius (Sources 4-3) Jain Practices (State Society and the Quest for Salvation in Classical India Course Documents) The Buddha Obtains Enlightenment (Sources 3-2) The Upanishads On the Nature of the Soul (Sources 3-3) Socrates Apology (Sources 5-3) Are there commonalities between them all? Do you see any continuities between related cultures? What are the major differences? C. Compare and contrast the image and role of kings in the following texts: The Epic of Gilgamesh (Sources 2-1) Ashur-Nasir-Pal II (Sources 2-6) The Analects of Confucius (Sources 4-3) Ashokas Rock Edict (Sources 3-6) Descriptions of Alexander the Great by Arrian (textbook, p 205) and Ephippus (Greece Assignments) Are there commonalities between them all? Do you see any continuities between related cultures? What are the major differences?