Statistics is an Imperfect Science
The argument can be made that statistics is an imperfect science and the results of which is often subject to debate and scorn. In this 2-3 page paper, review the book and the internet and determine what 4-5 most common mistakes that researchers find within statistics. What are they and why do they occur? Is it due to miscalculation, human assumptions, preconceptions which could could the results, etc…? Which one of the mistakes is the most damaging to the analysis which follows data collection? (Essentially, rank order your results) Feel free to use Case studies to illustrate your points. The paper must be APA formatted and contain: 1) Title page 2) Abstract page 3) 2-3 pages of content 4) a separate Reference page 5) The appropriate In-Text citations for the material presented Please write 1 page abstract and 2 pages content. Thank you