Sociology Reaction
Sociology Reaction Papers: You are expected to read all material and prepare a reaction paper of 1-2 full pages (min. 800 to 1200 words) for each reading assignment. These papers should include a brief summary of the article (1-2 paragraphs) and then your analysis on the material and in particular how it relates to your life. These are brief papers that first summarize the reading and then provide a space for you to reflect on how it relates to you personally or professionally. Topic 10 Global Stratification ??Readings:?Openstax. Global stratification and classification. In Introduction to Sociology 2e. OpenStax CNX. Dec 18, 2019 Link… ?Openstax. Global wealth and poverty. In Introduction to Sociology 2e. OpenStax CNX. Dec 18, 2019 Link…. ?Section 9.3. Explaining global stratification. In: Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Open Textbooks. ?Section 20.3. Society and the environment. In: Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Open Textbooks. Link……. ?Learning Objectives:?? Define global stratification and describe its components?? Compare and contrast different explanations of global stratification?? Describe the various consequences of global stratification?? Explain the causes and consequences of global poverty?? Summarize the impact of globalization for social change?? Things to Consider… ?How is global stratification different from stratification? How does globalization effect poverty around the world? How does globalization effect social change?