Social Justice Issues
Choose a social justice issue to research. This can be either an issue that is raised in Long Way Down or another issue of your choice. Find two articles that discuss this issue from different perspectives. Possible topics include: Gun violence Healthcare Racial justice Climate justice LGBTQIA rights Gender equity Voting rights Hunger / food insecurity Fair housing Choose one of the two prompts below. In addition to following the rubric below, here is what you need to incorporate in this essay: · An interesting introduction that leads to a compelling, thought-provoking thesis · Development of that thesis through supported points · The integration of at least two sources, complete with in-text citations (either through signal phrases or parenthetical citations) · A works cited page for those sources in MLA format · An academic voice · A conclusion that wraps up your thesis by stressing its importance 1. Briefly summarize two reliable articles on the same topic. Draw a conclusion about which essays argument is more effective by analyzing the authors arguments, level of support, and the style (word choice and tone) used. 2. Briefly summarize two reliable articles on the same topic. Using proof from the essays arguments to support your claim, speculate about how one author would respond to the others argument. Tips for writing a coherent argumentative essay: Write a sentence stating a belief or opinion. Can you explain what you mean? Can you provide an example? Can you explain what you dont mean? What in the article/text makes you say that? Can you address the implications? MLA requirements: Heading Header (name/page number) Title Double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font In-text citations and work cited page