Short Story
Comparison/Contrast chart between your choice of a short story/essay (only from list provided and novel Silas Marner. You will compare/contrast a common THEME between the two works. Theme: (not a word or phrase). Theme is a complete sentence regarding the topic for discourse. The sentence may center around a philosophical idea, a claim about human character, a social practice You are charting a POINT BY POINT comparison/contrast. Review Week 5 for tabs on how to do comparison/contrast. Do NOT write an essay. SUBMIT through CANVAS FILES UPLOAD. Click on assignment in Week 10 module. You will choose one of the short stories/essays listed below. Find a common THEME between this short story/essay and Silas Marner, novel by George Eliot. Hunger, Anne Lamott DIJ 221-227 The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman 333-347 Sleepless in America Mary Sykes Wylie 211-221 A Faithful Taoist, Norman Chung 462-465 The Guitarists Search for Spiritual Meaning, Chris Gill et al. 465-474 In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Gabor Mate 243-249 The Shadow Side of Everyday Life, Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams 323-333 Us and Them, Fran Peavey 351-358 CHART THE SIMILARITIES AND/OR DIFFERENCES between the two works in their treatment of your THEME: *State the theme in one sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. *First point of comparison/contrast: State succinctly in a complete sentence. Must relate to the theme above. This first point must be about the underlying assumption of both selections as regarding your theme. e.g. Anne Lamott in her essay “Hunger” assumes that a person’s handicap should not define her; similarly, according to John Smith in “George Eliot’s View of the Outcast” Eliot lays blame on a community that cannot include the outsider. –Short story/essay Describe succinctly how the text handles your first point of c/c Citation from text (documented by page number) –Silas Marner Describe succinctly how the novel handles your first point of c/c *Second point of comparison/contrast: State succinctly in a complete sentence. Must relate to the theme above. –Short story/essay Describe succinctly how the text handles your first point of c/c Citation from text (documented by page number) –Silas Marner Describe succinctly how the novel handles your first point of c/c FINDINGS: What have you learned from the comparison/contrast of these two pieces of literature? (5-7 sentences) with textual evidence.