Sentence Structures Errors
Here are the errors that I have to edit in my essay: (MISTAKE) This draft is missing the mark. Most of the questions in this category are not addressed in a satisfactory way. (RUBRIC) Can the reader perceive the writers voice and personality in the text? Does the language in the text feel realistic and authentic? Does the writer come close to her/his topic so that the reader senses a strong connection and commitment? (MISTAKE) The draft is moving in the right direction in this category, but it needs to be strengthened in all or some of the areas in this category (RUBRIC) Does the text translate beyond the writers personal experience and offers the reader something of value? Does the text aim to make a strong connection to the reader by offering insightful re?ection? (MISTAKE) The draft is moving in the right direction in this category, but it needs to be strengthened in all or some of the areas in this category And to edit Grammatical errors and sentence structures errors